
잠언 proverb 공부 1

별을 보며 2020. 12. 9. 14:54

잠언 proverb

지혜 wisdom
훈계 instruction
명철 understanding
정의  justice 

판단의 공의 judgment
공평 equity
단순한 자 the simple
민감함 subtilty
지식 knowledge
분별 discretion
학식 learning
지혜로운 권고 wise counsels
주를 두려워함 the fear of the LORD 
법 law
책망 reproof
어리석은 자의 형통함 prosperity of fools
파멸 destroy

명령 commandments
곧 바른 행로 the paths of uprightness
낮선 여자 the strange woman
생명의 행로 the paths of life
곧 바른 자 the upright 
선한 자들의 길 the way of good men
의로운 자들의 행로들 the paths of the righteous
사악한 자 the wicked 
범법자 the transgressors 
긍휼 mercy
진리 truth 
즐거움 pleasantness, 
화평 peace
받을 자 due
다투지 말라 strive not 
비뚤어 진자 the froward 
의인 the just

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