
예수님의 열두제자 정리

별을 보며 2019. 10. 29. 19:36


예수님의 열두제자
순서 마 10:2~4 순서 막3:16 순서 눅6:14~16 순서 행1:13
1 Simon, who is called Peter 1 Simon he surnamed Peter 1 Simon, (whom he also named Peter,)  1 Peter
2 Andrew his(Peter) brother 4 Andrew 2 Andrew his(Peter) brother 4 Andrew
3 James the son of Zebedee 2  James the son of Zebedee
(James  surnamed them Boanerges, which is, The sons of thunder:)
3 James 2 James
4 John his(James) brother 3  John the brother of James 4 John 3 John
5 Philip 5 Philip 5 Philip 5 Philip
6 Bartholomew 6 Bartholomew 6 Bartholomew 7 Bartholomew
7 Thomas 8 Thomas 8 Thomas 6 Thomas
8 Matthew the publican 7 Matthew 7 Matthew 8 Matthew
9 James the son of Alphaeus 9 James the son of Alphaeus 9 James the son of Alphaeus 9 James the son of Alphaeus
10 Lebbaeus, whose surname was Thaddaeus; 10 Thaddaeus 11 Judas the brother of James 11 Judas the brother of James
11 Simon the Canaanite 11  Simon the Canaanite 10 Simon called Zelotes 10 Simon Zelotes
12 Judas Iscariot, who also betrayed him. 12 Judas Iscariot, which also betrayed him:  12 Judas Iscariot, which also was the traitor 12          x


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